
Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Animal facts-Meerkat

In this blog post I will be discussing the Meerkat.

They live in southern Africa. They are mammals and are omnivores. They can weigh less than two lbs. They can be 1 foot long. Meerkats are also called suricates. They eat insects, lizards, birds and fruit. They dig tunnels to keep them cool from hot sun. Mothers give birth to 2-4 young. They are brown and black. They are not endangered at all. They can live up to 15 years.

This is the picture of a Meerkat. I found this picture on

Monday, August 20, 2012

Animal facts-Devil frog

In this blog post I will be discussing the Devil Frog.

They are prehistoric and are carnivores. They are extinct and used to live in Madagascar. They are usually 10 lbs which is quite big for a frog that we see now. They were 16 in. long. Ceratophyrines are the living relatives of the Devil Frog. They are quite aggressive and hot tempered. Scientists have said that they could even eat lizards and small vertebrates.

This is the picture of a Devil Frog. I found this picture on The big frog is the Devil Frog and the small one is the size of the frogs that we have today.   

Animal facts-Toucan

In this blog post I will discuss the Toucan.

Most Toucans live in parts of South America like Brazil, Ecuador and Chile. It is a bird and an omnivore. They are also related to the woodpecker. It can live up to 20 years in the wild. It can weigh up to 20 0z. When there are quite a few of them together it is called a flock. The enemies of toucans are humans, owls, big cats, jaguars, and big snakes. Their habitat is the rain forest. The toucan is one of the most famous birds in the world. The 7.5 in. long bill helps them to eat big hard nuts. It is also to help them balance. Toucans eat small lizards, insects, eggs, and young birds. Their color helps them to camouflage from enemies. They come in black, yellow, green and red. Their nests are in tree holes. The females usually lay 2-5 eggs each year. Many people like them as pets and trade them around the world. They are also a mascot for a cereal company. Interesting fact is that they have four toes, 2 going forward and 2 going backward.

This is the picture of a Toucan. I found this picture on