
Friday, February 22, 2013

Animal facts-Platypus

Hello all. I'm back and this post will be about the platypus which is an extremely interesting creature. I want to remind you all that you can subscribe to me and leave comments. You can tell me which animals you want me to discuss about and I can tell you a lot of cool facts. Enjoy this blog on the platypus.

They live in eastern Australia and Tasmania. They are a mammal and are a carnivore. They can grow up to 3 lbs. They have poisonous stingers on their rear feet and their head and feet are like a duck, their body is like a beaver and their tail is like an otter. Males have the stingers not the females. They hunt under water. They fold their ears to keep the water from coming in. They can stay under water for around 2 minutes. They eat insects, larva, shellfish and worms. They pick up gravel and dirt just like ducks have to do to chew up their food. They are the only one of to mammals that lay eggs. The mothers usually only lay 2 eggs she can keep them warm. She stays with her babies for 3-4 months. The eggs are the size of marbles. They have thick fur as well. They can live up to 12 years. In winter season they store the fat in the tail. Each day they need to eat at least a ¼ of their weight.

This picture is from

Video is brought to you by annamal channel. More interesting facts about this creature.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Gred! I love platypi. They're fascinating (and proof that other, even stranger animals may exist). And they're SECRET AGENTS ("curse you Perry the Platypus!")!

    You should do one on the honey badger. They're tough little things. My sister is a honey badger, though I more often refer to her as Squirrel, and my brother is just plain Badger. My other brother is Meerkat (he looks just like a meerkat, honestly - skinny, tall, holds his hands up like paws).

    On another note, I suggest you not start every sentence with "They". It gets really repetitive and it reminds me of my brother's essays...

